NLMD Abattoirs


The NLMD has a range of services which are available to the industry to help streamline the return of kill sheet data from abattoirs to farmers.

Allowing farmers to get kill data back quickly and efficiently from abattoirs has many advantages.

How does it work?

Each participating abattoir has a custom branded micro-site within the NLMD. Farmer members of the NLMD can log-in to a secure area, from here they can quickly and easily view and print kill sheet information as soon as this is available.

Utilising the power of the NLMD, users can perform basic analysis and produce custom reports from their kill data instantly on line.
From these reports, users can easily identify the best and worse performing animals and take measures to improve their ongoing performance.

For farmers who wish to perform further analysis of data it is possible to download electronic kill sheet information into compatible farm software, currently this facility is available through the software Farmworks by Shearwell Data.

Get more information about Farmworks by Shearwell Data.

Once data is imported into the farm software, farmers can produce a wide range of reports allowing them to generate performance comparisons between different Sires, Dams, Breeds or even feeding regimes.